We value our IT Professionals across campus.
Information Technology Services (ITS) is dedicated to building a body of knowledge, facilitating collaborative efforts, and delivering essential technology resources to IT professionals.
IT Professional
Any faculty or staff responsible for the administration and support of information technology including system administrators, technology support personnel, web and application developers, and IT managers.
University IT Managers (UITM)
Person designated by their dean, director, department head or chair, responsible for administrating or managing the IT resources for their area. All university IT managers are members of the University Information Technology Managers Subcommittee of the Information Technology Governance Council, chaired by the Provost.
Stay Connected with other IT Pros
Staying up-to-date with the latest IT developments on campus will help you better support your department.
IT Professionals Forum
Each month, ITS hosts a forum for IT professionals to present accomplishments, issues, and challenges in their area. All IT professionals are encouraged to attend, and meeting invitations are sent to members of the IT Professionals listserv.
Nolenet Listserv
Sign up for the Nolenet listserv to receive notices of service changes, monthly IT professionals meetings and other technology information.
Services for IT Pros
As an IT Professional, you speak our language. ITS offers many enterprise level solutions for technology needs for your department.

Purchasing IT Services
ITS reviews requisitions and PCard purchases of software, IT services, and servers/storage solutions to ensure there are no security or integration challenges while also looking out for the bottom line.
ITS uses checklists to guide you through the process of requesting to purchase technology services. To avoid delays, ensure the forms are completed entirely.
IT Support
ITS Service Desk
Tech troubles? We’re here to help. The ITS Service Desk is the first point of contact for assistance with technology at FSU.
Hours | Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM ET
Subscribe to the PursuITS monthly newsletter for the latest on campus technology projects, partnerships and more.
Top FAQs
How do I set up my FSU email on my devices?
What should I do if I am having trouble signing in to FSU systems?
How do I find the MAC address on my computer?
Why is my video or webcam not working in Zoom meetings?
How do I reactivate Duo Mobile on a device?
What do I need to do after I reset my FSUID password?