Stay informed of IT developments and transformational technology at FSU.
Here you will find a collection of monthly and annual publications from ITS. Follow along for updates on campus IT advancements and stories of how technology is enhancing the university experience across FSU.

PursuITS is the university’s monthly IT newsletter where we share project updates, partnerships and advancements in technology across Florida State University.
To sign up for the PursuITS newsletter and get the latest IT news, project updates and tech talk delivered to your inbox every month, go to and follow the prompts.
RCC eNewsletter
To sign up for the RCC eNewsletter to keep up with the latest research projects, advancements and cutting-edge tools, delivered to your inbox every other month, go to and follow the prompts.

Annual Reports
Our annual reports highlight a wide-range of ITS strategic initiatives and projects that support mission-critical work across Florida State University each year.
ITS Town Halls
ITS town halls are like a think-tank-meets-pep-rally-meets-family-reunion. These biannual meetings for all ITS employees celebrate major accomplishments, encourage brainstorming, generate positive energy and serve as a guiding light for the months ahead. Past presentations provide insight into the progression and strategic direction of ITS over the years.

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