Cybersecurity vulnerabilities are defined as security flaws in software, hardware or configuration of IT resources that, if exploited, would result in a negative impact to the confidentiality, integrity or availability of FSU data, the network or IT resources and infrastructure.
Vulnerability management utilizes scanning to create an inventory of all systems and software connected to the FSU network and checks each item against known vulnerabilities to see if any items are susceptible to an attack. The tool proactively identifies security holes or weaknesses in a system or device and recommends fixes and countermeasures to implement before a threat occurs. Vulnerability management is a vital part of the university's IT security plan.
All FSU units are required to perform monthly scans of their systems and devices. Vulnerability management is required upon enrollment in the Seminole Secure program.
To coordinate onboarding and training please contact John Chap at
Vulnerability Assessment
ITS service offering providing regular scans and recommendations for devices connected to the FSU network
IT and Security Fundamentals
Detailed descriptions of various security requirements and concepts
If you have questions or need assistance with Vulnerability Management, please contact ITS at