You will always be a Seminole and we want you to stay in touch.
Information Technology Services (ITS) ensures you continue to have access to your transcripts through your lifetime access to the myFSU portal.

Changes Coming to Duo!
You will soon need to enter a 4-digit code to verify your identity when accessing FSU systems.
Alumni Services
myFSU Portal
Access essential university systems, applications and links. Here you can manage your contact information, request transcripts, and more.
Sign In
(FSUID and password)
2-Factor Authentication (Duo)
Duo, or 2-factor authentication (2FA), is an extra layer of security designed to protect your personal information.
TIP: Activate Duo Restore or add a second device to ensure you will not lose access if you get a new phone.
Wi-fi is life and we’ve got you covered when you visit. Use your FSU ID and password to connect to our secure wi-fi when you visit campus.
Stay in Touch
Stay up-to-date on all things FSU and connect with the FSU Alumni Association.
Membership in the FSU Alumni Association strengthens our university and increases the value of your degree.
Stay Safe Online
Learn how to keep your computer, mobile devices and data safe.
Beware of Phishing Scams
Phishing scams attempt to steal personal information by tricking you into clicking a link or giving up your username and password. TIP: Check the Phish Tank for a list of known phishing emails targeting FSU.
Use a Strong Password
Create strong passwords to protect all your accounts or consider using a password manager to encrypt all your account passwords. And whatever you do, NEVER share your password with anyone.
Secure Your Account
If you think your account has been hacked, take action immediately and follow these instructions to minimize the damage.
Get Tech Help
Access expert support for help with all your technology needs.
ITS Service Desk
Tech troubles? We’re here to help. The ITS Service Desk is the first point of contact for assistance with technology at FSU.
Hours | Monday-Friday 8AM-6PM ET
Follow Us!
Follow @floridastateITS for tech tips, alerts, giveaways and more
Top FAQs
What should I do if I am having trouble signing in to FSU systems?
How do I find the MAC address on my computer?
How do I recover emails or files from an employee mailbox after I leave the university?
How do I reactivate Duo Mobile on a device?
What do I need to do after I reset my FSUID password?
What is an EMPLID and how do I get mine?