Virtual machines are a type of server hosting available to research groups who need specialized computing. The system, provided by the ITS Research Computing Center, is designed to jump-start or augment research projects by enabling researchers to quickly deploy and manage virtual systems for applications that interact with other RCC systems. Virtual machines can be spun up for compute-intensive resources or other research tools. This service is provided exclusively for FSU researchers to support grant-funded research activities.
Flexible Administration
researchers can get administrative privileges or delegate administration to RCC staff

deploy virtual machines and avoid delays associated with purchasing and installing new hardware

Secure Connections
virtual machines are protected by two security layers, TCP/UDP (network) and firewalld (server)

Customizable Domains
customize the DNS with an fsu.edu or vanity domain name

Cost Details
Available To
Getting Started
Additional Information
The RCC provides virtual machines primarily for researchers and departments who are already using other RCC services and have a strong case for why a virtual machine should be connected via the university’s InfiniBand Network. If you think you have an appropriate use case for a virtual machine, please contact the RCC.
For all other use cases, ITS offers a robust, enterprise-grade general virtual server hosting.
The requestor must have the skills and knowledge needed to manage and maintain their applications and basic system administration skills appropriate for the operating system running on their virtual machine.
Departments must adhere to the ITS Vulnerability Management Standard addressing requirements for systems and applications to be properly secured, patched and protected from vulnerabilities.