Do you have a web application you want people to access using single sign-on, like myFSU Portal or Zoom? CAS can help. With single sign-on, you only have to remember one username and password. Simply sign in with your FSUID and password in one web application and access a multitude of web services available to FSU. Available by request for departmental applications, single sign-on controls access to web applications like Canvas, myFSU Student Central, Concur and many other university web resources. Think of it as your own master key.
Enterprise Access
allows users to sign in once and access multiple FSU applications

reduces password fatigue and need to remember multiple logins

Secure Access
authenticated access to FSU systems, sites and third-party applications

Multiple Protocols
supports SAML 2 and CAS 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 protocols

Available To
Getting Started
Request this service and include the following information:
- Unit contact info
- Application name
- Application URL
- Protocol
ITS will send you a Data Access Request form that must be completed and will be routed for approval as needed to HR, Registrar, and/or ISPO.
Additional Information
While our main campus is in Tallahassee, Florida, FSU students and employees span the globe from Alaska to New Zealand. The reports below detail from where the FSU community is signing in to our single sign-on service.