myFSU Service Center Enhancements 

Thursday 06/20/2024

ITS is committed to continuously improving how our customers request and receive support for technology services. 

Currently, there are multiple ways to submit technology service requests to Information Technology Services (ITS). Soon, all technology service and support requests will be managed through myFSU Service Center

On July 1, ITS will launch a new application, AssetWorks AiM, for managing requests for all billable and nonbillable services. The legacy MySoft and FileMaker Pro systems and associated Technology Service Request (TSR) and Repair Request (RN) forms will be retired, and all technology service and support requests will be submitted via myFSU Service Center.  

The myFSU Service Center enhancement project provides a single platform for campus users to request services and report problems to ITS. Our customers will no longer need different forms or processes for various ITS services. Instead, they will use one consistent form in myFSU Service Center for all requests and repairs, further improving the user experience. 

To learn more about this upcoming change, visit the ITS website