Departments can request university-issued cellphones or a cellular allowance for faculty and staff business use. Common uses are for employees who have on-call duties after business hours or have grant-funded mobile devices. National and international plans are available. ITS maintains contracts with AT&T and Verizon, and various plans and devices are available through these two carriers.
Discounted Pricing
special university discounts applied to monthly plans

Flexible Plans
choose from packages that include voice, text and/or data

Mobile Hotspots
create Wi-Fi hotspots with cellular devices to access internet wherever there is cell coverage

Account Management
departments can establish authorized account credentials to manage their plans and devices

Cost Details
Available To
Additional Information
Eligibility for a cellular allowance is determined by departments. Individuals who are eligible for a cellular allowance include:
- Employees who spend a significant portion of their assigned work time outside of their office or work area and it is essential to the university that the employee be accessible during those times.
- Employees who must be continuously accessible beyond scheduled or normal working hours (e.g. on-call responsibilities for critical university services).
- Employees whose position requires them to monitor and respond to email outside of the office or beyond normal scheduled working hours.
- Employees who must have the ability and access to support critical university operations remotely and/or outside normal business hours.
Note: An employee does not have to meet all of these criteria to satisfy eligibility requirements. The final decision is made by the appropriate member of the funding department based on the needs of the department.
Departmental Service and Equipment
Provision of cellular services and devices as a departmental expense will only be supported in special cases where the equipment or service cannot reasonably be assigned to one individual. These exceptions require approval from the department and Information Technology Services (ITS). The following types of lines will stay departmentally-funded:
- OPS employees
- Grant-funded (C&G)*
- On-call / shared lines
- Data-only devices (e.g. MiFi, tablets
*Final eligibility approval is determined by Sponsored Research