Teaching in a different venue than a classroom? Audio and video equipment is available for use for FSU faculty and Instructors who require the items for instruction outside the classroom.
Blu-Ray Player
need to show a movie or documentary on DVD? No problem, just request a Blu-ray player for your classroom

PA System – Wireless
utilize a wireless PA system in any FSU classroom when needed

Portable Lectern
are you the kind of professor that feels strong and confident behind a lectern?

Projector – LCD & Screen
LCD projectors and projector screens are available for select classrooms

Available To
Getting Started
Request this service and include the equipment you need in the details of the request
Additional Information
For help in any ITS TEC classroom report an issue, send email to classroomsupport@fsu.edu, call 850-644-2811, or walk into HCB M103, MCH 311, or WMS 115 for personal help.