ITS welcomes the next generation of tech geniuses
On April 27, ITS welcomed nearly 20 exuberant elementary and middle school children to our building for Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. This is a day when sons and daughters come to work with their mothers, fathers, grandparents or aunts and uncles to get a glimpse into a typical workday, with a little extra fun. Parents have the opportunity to show their children the work they do and help ITS build the next generation of tech geniuses.
Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day 2023 scavenger hunt
We wanted to give the kids a chance to learn more about ITS while having a little fun—and what better way to do that than with a good old fashion scavenger hunt? Children and their parents went on a hunt around the Technology Services Building (TSB) getting to see where we start our day, breakrooms, spaces to collaborate and more. There was even a code for the techiest of kids to decipher.
Once all the kids finished their hunt they landed back in our training and testing computer lab to get “some work” done. For 30 minutes the kids were about to become Photoshop professionals! Our graphic designer, Samantha Klupchak, gave a step-by-step tutorial to help our mini professionals create special FSU name graphics. Not only did the kids have fun making these graphics, but the parents got to have fun spending time with their children. Once the workshop was done, the kids emailed themselves the graphic they made as a keep-sake of the day.
Bringing my kids in to the office to see where I work and meet the awesome people that I get to work with every day is such an incredible experience. Watching them learn about ITS through the activities gave me the opportunity to step back and see the impact we make through their eyes. And they have not let me forget that Jonathan promised them iPhones and ice cream!
Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day 2023 Photoshop workshop
Take Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day is always an exciting time here at ITS. There is nothing better than seeing smiling kids running through the ITS building and seeing how cool of a building their parents work in. We always love seeing the kids who come back year after year because of the fun they had. Not only could these kids be future ITS employees someday, but they also get to see the hard work their parents put in every day to help ITS with its overall mission.
The kids get to go home proud of their parents and knowing a little more about what it is they do when they leave every morning for work. As always, we look forward to next year when we welcome back our mini ITS professionals.