Fall 2023 Course Registration Tips
The time has come! Registration for summer and fall 2023 began on March 6. While this time can be stressful for some, Florida State has plenty of online resources to make this process as seamless as possible.
Schedule Assistant | Schedule Assistant is an application within myFSU where students can search, select and register for classes. Students select the appropriate term, and either look up preselected class codes, such as ENC1101, or find all sections of the class offered. Another way to utilize this option is to look up available courses offered by liberal studies credit, physical location, or by adding classes already on your planner. With Schedule Assistant, you can also add predetermined breaks into your schedule, generate possible schedule combinations with classes you have selected and “lock” classes into your schedule for a given term.
Shopping Cart | The Shopping Cart feature on myFSU is particularly useful if your registration date is later, when spots become more coveted. Students can preselect their classes and add them to the shopping cart. This way, once registration opens, students can simply press a button and be added to those classes that still have available spots. This feature makes registering faster and more convenient.
Undergraduate Degree Progress | Undergraduate Degree Progress is an easy way to plan out your schedule with your remaining requirements and fulfilled courses. While this does not replace the FSU advising departments, this tool allows students to create term-by-term schedules, track liberal studies and degree progress, and is personalizable by students. In fact, when you first sign in, the tool lists the percentage of both your liberal studies and degree path being completed. As a bonus, you can import your planned courses directly into Schedule Assistant when the registration period begins!
While these tools are most convenient in helping students register for classes, there are many other resources on myFSU that can ease the burden of registration. The window of registration began Monday, March 6, but depending on your credits, it may be later. See a list of enrollment appointments for summer and fall 2023.
Happy registration, Seminoles!