Wi-Fi Watch: Savvy Tips for Connecting to Public Wi-Fi 

Tuesday 07/23/2024

With summer in full swing, you may be traveling and visiting new places. Without access to your home Wi-Fi network, you'll need to connect to public wireless networks. To protect your devices, keep these tips and tricks in mind before pressing “join”. 

  • Connect to a secure network 

Choose a network that requires a password or has an encryption on it (e.g., WPA2). A password-protected public network is more secure than an anonymous network named “Free Wi-Fi". 

  • Use a virtual private network (VPN) 

A VPN protects its users by encrypting their data and hiding their IP addresses. This decreases the likelihood of a hacker uncovering your personal information and stealing your data. 

  • Browse on HTTPS websites 

When visiting a website, check that the URL starts with "HTTPS" rather than "HTTP". The “s” stands for secure, which ensures that the data between your browser and the website is encrypted for secure browsing. 

  • Turn off sharing 

Disable file and printer sharing, and login features on your device to prevent unauthorized access from remote hackers. 

  • Avoid sensitive transactions  

Avoid logging in to sensitive accounts such as your bank account, email, or social media profiles on public networks to minimize the risk of a data breach. For more information, check out our article on tech tips for navigating data breaches. 

These tips are just a few ways you can protect yourself while browsing and ensure hackers don't follow you home from vacation. For more information on how to stay safe online visit the ITS cybersecurity website