Social Media Tech Tips: Understanding Catfishing and How to Stay Safe Online 

Tuesday 02/20/2024

In the digital age, where the social media landscape continues to grow, the threat of catfishing increases. Catfishing refers to the deceptive practice of creating a fake online identity to trick or deceive others. Catfishing can take various forms, from using fake photos of another person to inventing an entirely fictional social media presence. Understanding what catfishing is and how to avoid falling victim to it is crucial for maintaining a safe and enjoyable online experience. 

Common Types of Catfishing:  

  • Identity Theft 

Identity theft is a type of catfishing where an individual creates a fake online persona using stolen or fabricated personal information. Often, the goal is to establish a relationship with someone under false pretenses. To prevent identify theft catfishing, use reverse image search tools to verify the authenticity of profile pictures. One way to do this is by right clicking on the image and click “search using Google."If the images appear elsewhere on the internet under a different identity, it could be a sign of identity theft catfishing.  

  • Financial Scams 

Catfishing financial scams involves individuals creating fake online personas to establish relationships with others with the goal of scamming them financially. This can be done by false documents, requests for money, fake financial hardship stories, or false investment opportunities that will all trick the victim into financial catfishing.  To prevent financial catfishing, make sure to be wary of money requests and avoid sending money to strangers. You should never send money or personal information online unless it is through a trusted vendor or to someone you personally know. 

How to Avoid Catfishing: 

  • Guard Personal Information 

Avoid sharing personal information such as home or workplace address and financial information. You should also check the background of your images for any information you may be sharing by accident. People will use this information to trick you into trusting them or to gain access to your accounts without you knowing. By keeping your information private, you decrease the risk of your information being put in the wrong hands. 

  • Verify Profiles 

Verify the authenticity of profiles by checking for some key signs. Is the information consistent across different platforms? Are they members of groups that make sense rather than random new groups? Are the photos clearly taken from other website? If an account seems off to you it’s best to not trust it. Looking for social media account verification badges is another way to confirm you are speaking with who you think you are. 

  • Trust Your Instincts 

If something feels off, trust your instincts, and investigate further. Report suspicious behavior to the platform administrators. FSU ITS provides the necessary resources to ensure your safety on the internet, offering ways you can report any security incidents on the ITS website.

Catfishing is just one type of social media attack, but it’s important to be educated on all types of attacks to know how to prevent them from happening to you. For more information on the types of social media attacks, warning signs, and prevention steps, check out our Cybersecurity webpage.