RCC Spotlight: Dr. Bin Ouyang

Monday 12/04/2023

Dr. Bin Ouyang is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry here at FSU. With a bachelor's in Materials Physics, and Master/PhD degree in Materials Science, Dr. Ouyang is a theoretical researcher working in the field of computational materials chemistry. 

Dr. Ouyang’s current research focuses on developing high throughput computation, data mining and machine learning tools to understand structural-property relationship and predictive synthesis of disordered energy materials. RCC resources have enabled Dr. Ouyang and his students to practice their research.  

“Utilizing these resources, we can study hundreds or thousands of chemical compounds [in] a short period of time, which enables rapid exploration for chemical space and new materials.” 

With his group, Dr. Ouyang aims to develop and apply high-throughput computation, data mining, and machine learning tools to better understand the structural-property relationships and predictive synthesis of disordered energy materials. Dr. Ouyang and his group hope to impact the world through their research of novel energy materials and their beneficial properties. 

“The architecture of the RCC [has] greatly enhanced effective distribution of computational resources to users in need,” states Dr. Ouyang. “The software and libraries in RCC are varied and up to date, which guarantees maximum compatibility of the platform with various computational code, either developed in house or elsewhere.” 

To learn more about Dr. Ouyang and his research, visit bin.ouyang.com