New process for certifying employee security access roles
FSU employees are often granted specific security access roles depending on their job duties. However, these roles may change over time due to lateral moves, promotions or changes to job description responsibilities. As a result, supervisors must routinely review and adjust the roles assigned to their direct reports.
A new, streamlined process now makes it easier for FSU supervisors to certify or deny employee security access roles. The review, which will now take place in the myFSU HR portal, will be conducted quarterly.
Starting July 1, 2023, supervisors of employees with requested security access roles will receive regular notifications to review and adjust employee roles as necessary. The new process will save supervisors time by reducing the number of steps it takes to review and certify employee security access roles and cutting out undue paperwork and processing time. Automated email and push notifications will help keep the review process top of mind and ensure regular reviews of employee security access roles.
Overall, the new process will increase departmental efficiencies and overall university security.
For step-by-step instructions of how to review roles, visit myFSU Service Center.