High Performance Compute Cluster Upgrade Complete

Thursday 01/04/2024

During the first week of December, ITS performed an upgrade to the High-Performance Compute (HPC) cluster. The upgrade moved the HPC to a new operating system and accomplished the following tasks:

  • Upgraded all HPC nodes from CentOS 8.3 to AlmaLinux 8.6.
  • Upgraded our Slurm scheduler from v20.11 to v23.02 (release notes)
  • Upgraded the GNU GCC compiler from v8.3 to v8.5
  • Upgraded CUDA libraries to v11.8 and 12.1
  • Upgraded Anaconda to v3.11.5

As part of the maintenance, ITS also upgraded versions of numerous software packages and libraries.

Research Computing Center (RCC) users are encouraged to check their submitted scripts and jobs to ensure they work with the new software libraries.
If you have questions or need assistance with any RCC resources, please contact support@rcc.fsu.edu.